And the top drawing in this section drawing is the one my Google SketchUp model is based on:
This is the 3D Google Sketchup representation of one of my section drawings from Week 2. It is based on the following vocabulary: immortalize / transform.

immortalize . transform
immortalize. transform
It is a simple model because it is my first time to use Google SketchUp, so I had to be realistic about the extent to which I could push the complexity of my 3D representation within the time frame given for the task. I also had difficulty portraying the below-ground section in any real detail, and I wish I had time to develop a proper representation.
I have used various types of metal and stone, as well as glass, to represent the materials used for this conceptual space.
I have used various types of metal and stone, as well as glass, to represent the materials used for this conceptual space.