Here is the link for my uploaded models to Google 3D Warehouse
This is the completed, final model:
This is 1 of 2 of the early draft Sketchup models. This is from Wk 2. It is based on immortalize + transform.
This is 2 of 2 of the early draft Sketchup models. This is from Wk 3 and is based on morose + destructive.
Written by James Gito | //
Below: This is the conceptual section drawing for Swallow + Goodwin based on immortalize (above) + transform (below). This was the basis for the eventual final design.

Final Model
This is my completed architecture for Ricky Swallow (above datum) and Richard Goodwin (below datum). I have chosen semi-transparent glass suspended in a basic diagrid steel frame as the superstructure for my architecture.

Above: Parallel projection with ground level entrance to the left.
Swallow's four triangle-capsule work spaces can be seen suspended above the gallery floor by large concrete columns and connected by a series of linear stairs signifying the progression of Swallow's work from conception to final preparation. The stair descending to the gallery floor is to the far left.
Goodwin's work spaces is also subdivided into four underground compartments, connected in a linear progression from left to right (conception room to final preparation room) by long tunnels lined with fluorescent wall light fixtures. Three out of Goodwin's for workspaces are situated at the base of tall exhaust columns filtering air from the gallery floor down to the sub-terrain. The stair ascending to the gallery floor is to the far right.
Below: Perspective view showing details to the right. The point where Goodwin's staircase reaches the datum can be seen to the right. Swallow's staircase dominates the left side of the building.

Below: Interior view of the gallery floor from the main entrance. Goodwin's artwork is exhibited in a depressed floor area to the right, while Swallow's artwork is exhibited on a raised floor area to the left. The three grated structures in the centre are the ventilation structures connected to Goodwin's subterranean workspaces. To the left is the base of the main staircase leading down from Swallow's suspended upper workspaces.

3 Section Animations
Note: Please double-click each video to view directly on Youtube because Blogger cannot display them in full widescreen like Youtube.
Below: Animated Section 1: Section of Richard Goodwin's underground work studios
Below: Animated section 2 - Gallery floor and Ricky Swallow's work studios.
Below: Animated section 3 - Vertical section of floor plan

Final Model
This is my completed architecture for Ricky Swallow (above datum) and Richard Goodwin (below datum). I have chosen semi-transparent glass suspended in a basic diagrid steel frame as the superstructure for my architecture.

Above: Parallel projection with ground level entrance to the left.
Swallow's four triangle-capsule work spaces can be seen suspended above the gallery floor by large concrete columns and connected by a series of linear stairs signifying the progression of Swallow's work from conception to final preparation. The stair descending to the gallery floor is to the far left.
Goodwin's work spaces is also subdivided into four underground compartments, connected in a linear progression from left to right (conception room to final preparation room) by long tunnels lined with fluorescent wall light fixtures. Three out of Goodwin's for workspaces are situated at the base of tall exhaust columns filtering air from the gallery floor down to the sub-terrain. The stair ascending to the gallery floor is to the far right.
Below: Perspective view showing details to the right. The point where Goodwin's staircase reaches the datum can be seen to the right. Swallow's staircase dominates the left side of the building.

Below: Interior view of the gallery floor from the main entrance. Goodwin's artwork is exhibited in a depressed floor area to the right, while Swallow's artwork is exhibited on a raised floor area to the left. The three grated structures in the centre are the ventilation structures connected to Goodwin's subterranean workspaces. To the left is the base of the main staircase leading down from Swallow's suspended upper workspaces.

3 Section Animations
Note: Please double-click each video to view directly on Youtube because Blogger cannot display them in full widescreen like Youtube.
Below: Animated Section 1: Section of Richard Goodwin's underground work studios
Below: Animated section 2 - Gallery floor and Ricky Swallow's work studios.
Below: Animated section 3 - Vertical section of floor plan
Written by James Gito | //
Full set of 18 sketch sections with vocabulary.

morose + destructive / morose + transform

morose + fragment / immortalize + destructive

immortalize + transform / immortalize + fragment

memory + destructive / memory + transform

memory + fragment / destructive + morose

transform + morose / fragment + morose

destructive + immortalize / transform + immortalize

fragment + immortalize / destructive + memory

transform + memory / fragment + memory

morose + destructive / morose + transform

morose + fragment / immortalize + destructive

immortalize + transform / immortalize + fragment

memory + destructive / memory + transform

memory + fragment / destructive + morose

transform + morose / fragment + morose

destructive + immortalize / transform + immortalize

fragment + immortalize / destructive + memory

transform + memory / fragment + memory
Written by James Gito | //
Related to my design's materiality + scheme
While browsing youtube i came across this animation from DesignVIStudio of the Prada store in Omotesando, Tokyo.
After watching it I realized my scheme shares basic elements with the building - glass diagrid construction, multiple stairs, and multi-level capsule spaces.
Here is my original photograph of the building in situ from 2009:

The bubble-like design of the glass facade is an effect I found impossible to replicate.
While browsing youtube i came across this animation from DesignVIStudio of the Prada store in Omotesando, Tokyo.
After watching it I realized my scheme shares basic elements with the building - glass diagrid construction, multiple stairs, and multi-level capsule spaces.
Here is my original photograph of the building in situ from 2009:

The bubble-like design of the glass facade is an effect I found impossible to replicate.
Written by James Gito | //
simple geometric expressions of the in-studio work of richard goodwin and ricky swallow

vocabulary: immortalize
busts by ricky swallow in space above datum
"The man from Encinitas"

vocabulary: transform
work by richard goodwin in space below datum
cubic abstraction of "City Carapace 2008"
Artist Stairs:
Below: Swallow's main staircase down to the gallery floor. I have used the DENSE and SPLINTERED textures from my studio work to convey the metallic materiality.
Note the exhaust mechanisms and top of ventilation shaft visible to the far right. These connect to Goodwin's subterranean workspaces.

Below: Goodwin's main staircase to the gallery floor. Unlike Swallow's staircase, it is a tall and compact staircase to convey the space restrictions in Goodwin's subterranean workspaces. Large fluorescent wall light fixtures line the far vertical wall.

vocabulary: immortalize
busts by ricky swallow in space above datum
"The man from Encinitas"

vocabulary: transform
work by richard goodwin in space below datum
cubic abstraction of "City Carapace 2008"
Artist Stairs:
Below: Swallow's main staircase down to the gallery floor. I have used the DENSE and SPLINTERED textures from my studio work to convey the metallic materiality.
Note the exhaust mechanisms and top of ventilation shaft visible to the far right. These connect to Goodwin's subterranean workspaces.

Below: Goodwin's main staircase to the gallery floor. Unlike Swallow's staircase, it is a tall and compact staircase to convey the space restrictions in Goodwin's subterranean workspaces. Large fluorescent wall light fixtures line the far vertical wall.

Written by James Gito | //
Some early sections for possible staircase solutions


cantilevered staircase

detail of glass staircase

early sketch. early solution to turning abstract section drawings into workable architectural spaces.


cantilevered staircase

detail of glass staircase

early sketch. early solution to turning abstract section drawings into workable architectural spaces.
Written by James Gito | //
36 material sections from studio

porous. twisted. brittle. fragile. symmetrical. delicate.

wrinkled. scratched. coarse. sharp. matte. contoured.

moist. jagged. textile. pebbled. dense. light.

splintered. chipped. absorbent. opaque. transparent. translucent.

silky. malleable. flaky. sticky. oily. fluffy.

grainy. gritty. prickly. bubbly. shiny. foamy.

porous. twisted. brittle. fragile. symmetrical. delicate.

wrinkled. scratched. coarse. sharp. matte. contoured.

moist. jagged. textile. pebbled. dense. light.

splintered. chipped. absorbent. opaque. transparent. translucent.

silky. malleable. flaky. sticky. oily. fluffy.

grainy. gritty. prickly. bubbly. shiny. foamy.
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