vocabulary: immortalize
busts by ricky swallow in space above datum
"The man from Encinitas"

vocabulary: transform
work by richard goodwin in space below datum
cubic abstraction of "City Carapace 2008"
Artist Stairs:
Below: Swallow's main staircase down to the gallery floor. I have used the DENSE and SPLINTERED textures from my studio work to convey the metallic materiality.
Note the exhaust mechanisms and top of ventilation shaft visible to the far right. These connect to Goodwin's subterranean workspaces.

Below: Goodwin's main staircase to the gallery floor. Unlike Swallow's staircase, it is a tall and compact staircase to convey the space restrictions in Goodwin's subterranean workspaces. Large fluorescent wall light fixtures line the far vertical wall.